We are sexual beings, sexed and erotics. Would it be for a reproductive objective and/or playfulness, sexual life and affective life are inseparable. As a clinical sexologist I assess and treat the persons who are seeking counseling within their whole dimensions with an added value: the sexual sphere.
See the related (french) text down below: “J'ai bâti maison sur un monde”.
Sexotherapy services
Couple therapy
Type of difficulties: anxiety of performance, sexual desire, sexual dysfunctions, intimacy, non-verbal communication, extramarital relationships, couple growth and adjustment…
LEARNING TOOLS: communication method Listened-Listening, Sensate Focus exercises, the PIC – questionnaire: Perceptions of Intimacy in the Couple©, impact techniques, systemic approach…
Individual therapy
Type of difficulties: abortion, miscarriage, compulsion sexual behaviour, body image, sexual abuse, hyper-sexuality, fetishism, difficulties in sexual desire / excitement and orgasm, sexual identity trouble…
LEARNING TOOLS: learning from strength, impact techniques, art and therapy, humanistic-existential and phenomenological approach, EMI technique: Eye Movement Integration…
EMI technique
Eye Movement Integration
EMI has its place within the sexual counseling sphere. In my practice I used it in different areas such as: sexual abuse, cyber sexual addiction, exhibitionism, compulsive sexual behaviour, miscarriage… Some of the clients were suffering from post-traumatic syndrome and others were under a Posteiori syndrome from a negative event, linked to the presented problem.*
Type of difficulties: “ …any experience that leaves an imprint which generates recurrent and negative effects on one or more levels: cognitive, emotional and sensory”.* Here, the term trauma benefits from a broad definition.
*To learn more about EMI, read “Eye Movement Integration Therapy: An introduction to the treatment of traumatic and distressing memories”. 2012, by Danie Beaulieu. References pages: 34 and 36.
Art and Therapy
Knowing how to draw is not a prerequisite
Usually I use the structure of the phenomenological method linked to art-therapy. I may, as an example, with scribbles exercises bring you to create a visual phenomenon closed eyes. Then the jump from the known to the unknown has just begun. My main work is to guide you through an intuitive path which enhance receptivity and expression. Sexuality has a special link to body awareness and the use of art in sex-therapy can facilitate the access to it.
Type of difficulties: Inadequate body image, sexual abuse, gender identity trouble, any conflictual situation or problem where the metaphoric language and the communication through images is the privileged tool.